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Emergency Restoration

Rapid Response, Reliable Results

Our dedicated crews of linemen, electricians, and equipment operators are available 24/7, ready for deployment to any electrical emergency. Whether it’s restoring power on primary distribution systems or secondary systems, we’re equipped to handle it all, even in challenging weather conditions.

Hurricane Damage Repairs: When a hurricane strikes, our teams will work tirelessly to repair damaged powerlines and restore essential services. Winter/Ice Storm Damage Repairs: Ice storms and winter weather pose unique challenges, but our crews are adept at safely addressing any damage to powerlines. Pole Replacement: Storm damage often necessitates pole replacement, and our teams are well-equipped to handle the task efficiently.

Eversource Storm Restoration

Count On Us

We understand the critical importance of maintaining a reliable power supply, especially during emergencies. Trust us for responsive and dependable emergency response services that prioritize safety, efficiency, and community resilience.

Ready to Work Together?

Our deep-rooted knowledge of the electrical industry, coupled with our agility in adapting to the rapid changes of today’s market, firmly places us at the pinnacle of delivering superior service that exceeds expectations.